My aunt called me and she ofeered me to go to englang for education language. I was suprised. ı wanted to say yes but there was a lots of question in my head. What will ı do ther alone? Where will ı stay? How will ı connect to the people bocouse of language problem?. I wanted a little time to think about it. a couple days later ı called her to say yes and thanks.
Then with my mother, ı went to a compony to take information. we made rezervatıon and everything was ok. then they called me to say sorry'' we have to change your date.''I was very very upset. and ı didnt accept them. I took all rezervatin back
At this time my aunt heard about EF from her friends. Then we went to EF Suadiye office. I met there with DENİZ VURAL .She told me about bournemouth.... It was delicous sea, sun...'' What can want more'' ı said. We started to finish papers passport....İmmedeatly ı took a mail from ef.I learned from mail same time with me who will go to bournemouth and ı met with them.
I was really very exited, ı didint eat anything. ı didnt sleep. and ı never been far from my parents. we went to airport i did my check in. i kissed my parents and went to police control.At the flight tere was a turk sayıng near me . We spoke and he made me relax. at england a worker of ef take me to The manchester where i will live.
I took my room key and went to my room. half an hour later bmy room friends came. rodrigo,cedric,gonzalo,bastian they all was good boys.
They were speaking and asking me questions but cant say them anything expect ı dont understand.A few dayslater ı started to understand them. Also ı spoke with them english.That three weeks like ı dreamed.This time ı didnt want to go back. but ı have to...again ı was very excited . I had a lots of good things to tell my parent and friends ın turkey.